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«Dry Eye Curly Coat Syndrome in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Dry eye and curly coat, known scientifically as congenital keratoconjunctivitis sicca and ichtyosiform dermatosis, affects a dog's eyes and skin. Affected dogs produce no tears making their eyes incredibly sore. Their skin becomes very flaky and dry, particularly around the foot, and this can make standing and walking difficult and painful. This syndrome appears to be a problem unique to CKCS and most dogs diagnosed with the condition are put to sleep.

Early in 2011 Geneticists at the AHT identified a recessive mutation associated with Dry Eye Curly Coat Syndrome. A DNA test has been developed which will provide a useful diagnostic tool to the veterinary profession and dog breeders. The test will be available from 18th April 2011. The DNA test is specific to the mutation causing Dry Eye and Curly Coat Syndrome.

Breeders using the test will be sent results identifying their dog as belonging to one of three categories:

CLEAR: these dogs have two normal copies of DNA. Clear dogs will not be affected by Dry Eye Curly Coat Syndrome as a result of the associated mutation identified.CARRIER: these dogs have one copy of the mutation and one normal copy of DNA. These dogs will not develop Dry Eye Curly Coat Syndrome themselves but they will pass the mutation on to approximately 50% of their offspring.

AFFECTED: these dogs have two copies of the mutation associated with Dry Eye Curly Coat Syndrome and will be clinically affected.

Please note that is it is possible for some Cavaliers to be affected by non congenital forms of ichthyosis or dry eye which will not be detected by the DNA test.»

Dette virker en del annerledes en tørre øyne på CC, så Liv Sletten tok kontakt med AHT for å undersøke, samt spørre om DNA fra CC var interessant.

Svaret var:

«Dear Liv,

Your message has been forwarded to the canine research department for reply.

To date, the deletion mutation in the gene FAM83H responsible for curly coat dry eye syndrome in Cavalier King Charles spaniel hasn't been associated with other breeds of dog or an equivalent disease phenotype in any other species.

However if we can obtain research samples from dry eye affected Chinese crested dogs then we will gladly test them for this mutation. I'd be happy to supply a small batch of swab kits for sampling purposes, just let me know the postal address(es) for owners willing to contribute samples from their dogs. Ideally we would prefer a copy of veterinary clinical findings to accompany the sample for each affected dog, although if the diagnosis is undetermined then a note from the owner will be sufficient.

Best regards,

Bryan Mclaughlin

Graduate Research Assistant»

Ta kontakt med Sunnhetsutvalget om du har en CC med tørt/tørre øyne og vil bidra med DNA prøve.


NCCK takker Liv Sletten for denne artikkelen!